Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Putting your thoughts into words can be an endless process, but in this case, I did rather try to end it at some point or the other.

Schooldays: - The life was Baap ke paise paar jiyo (The aish part comes later).

Humans are full of contradictions, some a little less & some a little more. I think the major part of our brain is only devoted in the mechanism of deciding WHAT NEXT!!! And it’s because of this what next process; we end up craving our Perfect past to be our present

U must have listened to the song singing “those were the best days of my life’. Why those and not these… well I don’t need to explain do i, Ah!!! Ok I guess I would, cause keeping expectations results into a Disaster, and people not necessary what I write should be understood by all. I think the reason why we always remember our GLORIFIED past (Glorified here because, we do the entire dissection of our past when we think bout it ) is since during the time when we are living that moment, our major focus is to plan out for living the next moment ,and the next, and then the next and its endless… And finally when we sit down to ponder on ourselves, its then that we enjoy the moments that we had lived comparing the then with the now, Yup sometimes its also reverse try to forget em.

So here we are at the school days, though every day seems to be a similar day, and everything we do seem to be very common and similar to the rest, we impatiently wait to grow old, and do what the big guys do, and in this haste to grow ( These days the haste has accelerated kids grow faster) we grow not looking back at all we are happy to leave school, throw the school uniform in the closet, and jump into the different dimension and different world all together, and its exciting at that time.
But suddenly one fine day you pass across your school or come across some memory of school time (Mind you it wont be the first time that u will come across it, but since the years have passed, This Time would seem to be like a first time) and you become nostalgic, every thing is in front of you again, the tap from you drank the water from, the basket ball court, the staff room the football ground And yet the BIG school bell…
It’s a very different kind of a feeling and the feeling is Endless!!!

College Days: - The Life was all about Bapu ke Paise pe Aish karo
(The Bindas/Fearless WE!!!)

My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.

We were the sinners and we were the saints, and life was a roller coaster, every day a new discovery….
This is the time I guess every ones makes the best out of it, and for those who think they haven’t, well my friends here is news for you all ----- may be a little less but unconsciously you too have at times taken the best out of it.
For me atleast life was an empty canvas ,or rather, a newer and a bigger canvas with a variety of colors to just fill it up, n now , when I reflect on the painting, every color splashed on the canvas is a beauty in it self . God I miss those days, though the paint n the canvas was bought by my parents, but never had the guilt of it. (But excessiveness of anything can be injurious and potentially high on the guilt scale).
Career was a big question, Girlfriends were big worries, and friends were the bankers, family….. I would call them 007, at the right place on the wrong time…..

But I think there is some stage in this all mast n bindas period were we act so mature, that it amazes every one and probably remains the best decisions of our times (There are some bad ones too).These are the career building ones, adjusting your lifestyle and the most imp one understanding your responsibilities in your family.

Post study life: - Khud ka paisa – realization strikes.

"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching."

Can’t write much about it and beyond, m still trying to understand it and beyond it, I don’t want to generalize.
Well till now it has been, enjoying the work, the environment, and Yes it feels great to be broke when u r earning.
Plastic never felt that good, that handy. (Thankyou Credit cards)

Watch out for more to come on this (May be in few years my friends)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Never Thought I Would Write...

Expressions!! people say are important to give accountability, to everything tht surrounds ones atmosphere. Love,Hate,Furstration,Happiness,Worries. But, the difficulty lies in, who do i share these expressions with, how do i come to know the validty of my own expressions, would sharing them be a correct desicion and can i entrust someone with them.
Not that i have never written, living a life alone at diffrent places meeting diffrent people i guess i developed the habit of reading, and when i thought no author was complex enough i aslo started writting(Wish i had started this very early in my life, i would have developed some more intrest in studies).
The good thing is that i did not develop this habbit out of constantcy and despair, since i had to steal time out of my daily schedule. But somewhat bad thing tht happened was, that since always, i had this Very lazy thing ( Yes "thing" - since ve never been able to define it) about me that stopped me from pursuing it seriuosly, So i wrote it on A word Document, It idled around my laptop, then suddenly one fine day i delete it, Just like that, Probably tht THING stuck me, and this then became a routine. Its been almost an year now and many word documents have gone to trash. Good i didnt use ink n paper, atleast i didnt waste some usefull global asset.
Life my friends gives us numerous opportunities to make a diffrence, a contribution in some form or the other, and the beauty is that However late we realise this in our lifetime, We still can start making contrbutions.
There are two reasons to why i write ....
One definately is the reason to express my own opinions to every one irrespective of knowing that person (Thankyou Blogs)
And secondly To live in a Hope that at sometime and at some point what i write makes a diffrence to someone( Every writes HOPE i guess)
But dont u think so that having sucha common aspiratition from your own writings can create a diffrence, A little Less or a little More diffrence is indifferent in this case.
My Greed is to write and express myself,To find a reason in every small thing i observe to the larger things that every one else observes, to be willing to express myself truly, openly and in an unbaised way, take on the criticism from the unkown world, becasue its not only for me that i write.
May be one day my own few thoughts written to the unknow may help be become a stronger and wiser person.
Thats why i want to write and writting is what i am going to do....